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5.6 6 10 0.5
Surgeons 9615
Buyer Beware
(Updated: October 07, 2021)
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Dr. Miller is like a used car salesman, only believe half of what he says. Much of what he tells you about his bio-bar surgery is propaganda. The bars do not fully dissolve and are always in you, according to 2 separate thoracic surgeons seen in consult after this procedure.
At my 6 month check up he told me I was healing better that expected and my surgery was successful. You couldn't see some of the cartilage in the scan. When I asked him about it, he said it was there but we couldn't see it in this scan because on a different frequency. He assured me I was fine and when I complained of pain and movement in the ribcage, he said "it's just my body getting used to it's new shape." He never returned my call after that point. Turns out, my surgery was not successful, I did not regrow cartilage at all and have a floating sternum. I will now require another surgery to get titanium struts to hold me chest in place. My haller index is the same after surgery as it was before surgery.

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
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May 27, 2021
How are you doing two years out? Is your chest still out?
November 06, 2021
I had my surgery with Dr Miller March 30th 2021 and have had no improvement with breathing and have developed other symptoms along with still being in a lot of pain. I am currently 7 months post op and was supposed to have my 6 month check up October 29th. I received a phone call from CTCA that Dr Miller is no longer affiliated with that hospital and they had to cancel my appointment with no point of direction for me. I’ve tried calling the care team but no one will return my calls or answer emails. My doctors here in California are really concerned due to all the complications I had when I returned home from the surgery. I was referred to a pectus doctor at Stanford and have an appointment with her but I’m so worried that no one will be able to help me due to the fact that the surgery I had by Dr Miller is only done by him. I’m curious on how you are doing now. Did you have to get another surgery?
February 26, 2022

Dr. Miller is now in at the Medical College of Augusta in Augusta, Ga. CTCA was bought out by another facility. You call search Dr. Miller online now as he began in Augusta, January this year. I saw him yesterday. I had the Modified Ravitch procedure on December 2020. I am almost 100% healed and highly recommend Dr. Miller.
March 17, 2022

Dr. Miller is dishonest and unethical. I had all my records sent to Dr. Miller and he personally called and told me not only did I need a redo, but a chest wall expansion. Before surgery I reached out to several patients that he performed this procedure on and none of them were happy with their results. I told Dr. Miller what other patients were saying and I was skeptical, but he was reassuring that I would have a different result because I was going into this healthy and they had other issues. I went through with the surgery and he reassured me that I had a lot more room and it was successful. I told Dr. Miller at my six month follow-up that my breathing was worse after surgery and my chest looked worse. He showed me on the CT scan my new HI 5. He wanted to see me back at the one-year mark with all new test. Things weren’t measuring up and at the one-year mark I had new testing and got two other opinions and that’s when I learned the truth. I never needed a chest wall expansion and never met criteria for it. My new doctor told me that Dr. Miller‘s CT scan wasn’t taken down to the lowest level. Dr. Miller lied. Went into surgery with a HI 7 and at the one year my HI 11. My ribs and sternum are floating and chest is unstable. I will need extensive surgery to fix his mess that he called successful.
I had reached out to the Cleveland clinic and the doctor told me that he has never seen anything like this and Dr. Miller has been fired from three different hospitals and is doing sloppy work.
4 results - showing 1 - 4