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9.5 48 10 0.5
Surgeons 40807
Overall rating
Ease of Correspondence with Doctor
Doctor's Friendliness and Courtesy
Clarity of Doctor's Explanations
Accuracy of Doctor's Predictions
Doctor's Apparent Knowledge of Procedure
Doctor's Availability During Recovery
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Would Recommend to Others
In my opinion Prof. Dr. Klaus Schaarschmidt is an incredible surgeon and a GREAT person, funny, yet professional and he always seem to be in the hospital, his team were also great.

My result score of 9 is not a reflection of the professor but of the results of the first surgery that I am hoping I can push back over the coming year and get an even better result...... I so wish I had seen the Professor first, at least I can pass my experience on via this site so you don't make the same mistake.

My Nuss operation was a do over, the professor removed someone elses short bars..... The bars had been in for almost 3 years, this surgery should not have been done, my result for my surgery now is not as good as it could have been if I had come to Germany and seen the professor first I am sure of this. After my 3 years with bars in from my first surgery I was getting pain in the section the bars attached to my chest. The bars were too short to remove a dent as wide as mine, if you are attaching bars inside a dent then you are never going to get that dent out...... These short bars were explained to me after I had showered and was awaiting the surgeon to go into theater. I paid extra money to have a specailist involved in the surgery in a very expensive part of London 2 nuss surgeons, so I had to go private to have this happen, zero insurance could be used............ I should have come to Germany FIRST.

Do yourself a Favour come here first!!! Don't go else where as I did and then end up here trying to have the Professor fix someone elses mistakes, ESP if you are older. Give yourself the best chance for a great result. Looking at the various forums see where everyone ends up to have thier incorrect Nuss surgeries sorted out, there is a reason, Prof. Schaarschmidt record speak for itself.

The professor was so nice to me and my mother who came with me, the hospital is great, super clean, great friendly staff, lovely grounds too.

my haller index value is wrong I don't know what it was so please ignore that info if looking thanks

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
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